
Create your own on-demand video platform. Hooked up to your Spektrix account.

CogPlayer is a super-simple, mobile-friendly platform for your video content. Use it to generate income, expand membership and develop audiences.

Customise it, fill it with content, and let your audience buy and access your videos and live-streams.

Logins, sign-ups and payments are all handled through your Spektrix set-up. Your data is central and secure and you’ll be able to use it in all sorts of imaginative ways.

  • Launch a season of online performances, and give discounts for multiple videos
  • Provide free screenings for people who’ve donated and supported you
  • Sell online shows alongside your live performances
  • Release access to different membership levels at different times

Got other great ideas for how to use CogPlayer to provide a paywall for your content? You can almost certainly do those too.

Choose your player

Player 1

UK: Set-up and go £1000 + £350 per calendar month (plus VAT)

US: Set-up and go USD 1700 + USD 600 per calendar month
Canada: Set-up and go CAD 2000 + CAD 800 per calendar month

A fully customisable video player, with individual landing pages for each video.
You upload the video content elsewhere and direct your audience to CogPlayer. They login to buy or unlock the content via Spektrix.

Player 2

UK: Set-up and go £1500 + £550 per calendar month (plus VAT)

US: Set-up and go USD 2600 + USD 900 per calendar month
Canada: Set-up and go CAD 3400 + CAD 1200 per calendar month

A fully customisable stand-alone platform where you can promote multiple videos through a library page along with individual landing pages for each video.
Your audiences can login to buy or unlock events, seasons or multi-buy options, all via Spektrix.

Note: all prices are subject to change and contract agreement.


How does it work?

  1. We’ll set up your CogPlayer at [yourvenue].cogplayer.com
  2. You add events, attributes and seasons in Spektrix
  3. We hook it all up using your Spektrix API key
  4. You customise it and add your content*
  5. Your customers use their Spektrix account to login and pay

*CogPlayer comes with a light and dark theme, and a colour picker so you can select highlight colours to match your visual identity. Plus, there’s a header strip where you can add your logo (or customised image). And, of course, it’ll be populated with your content so you can fill it with personality.

Questions you might have

Where do I upload my video?
CogPlayer can stream video from almost any hosting platform but you’ll need to check with them that they are happy for you to charge people to watch it on your site.

Are there any per-play charges?
Nope. You pay us to set it up and pay a monthly fee to use and host it. There are no other ongoing charges.

How do our customers pay to view?
Your customers buy access through your usual Spektrix purchase path. There are no third party payment systems or complexities. It’s just like buying a ticket. They can do that through your website or via CogPlayer.

What platform is it built on?
In case it’s useful to know, CogPlayer is built on a customised version of WordPress. We’ll set it all up, you don’t need to do anything.

Where is it hosted?
We work with a London based hosting partner, EveryCity. They provide the usual 99.9% uptime, they are super-helpful on the rare occasions we have problems or questions, plus they use green energy to power their servers and offices.

What about support?
We provide simple, step by step instructions and the whole set-up is super intuitive. But if you ever have questions or problems you can email us and we’ll email or call you back. [email protected]

Can I use my own web address?
Yes. For a one-off fee we can work with you or your IT team to mask the address and forward it to one you’ve set-up.

What about analytics?
If you need extra analytics or tags to be added, we can do that. Each set-up requires some planning and admin and we charge for that time.

Who are Cog?
Cog are a digital design agency in London, England. We work with arts organisations to inspire their audiences. We’ve been around since the birth of the world wide web and we’ve worked with Spektrix since they were a start-up.

Does CogPlayer support other CRMs and ticketing platforms?
Not yet but we’re open to discussions about how it might.

Got other questions?
Send us an email and we’ll get back to you: [email protected]

Example CogPlayers

We’ve set up several test sites so you can see the potential of different content and styling options. Have a click round (and please excuse any links that lead to dead-ends) and see how it works.

Arts Centre is a traditional multi-arts venue with a broad programme, each streamed at a different price. It has a featured event on the homepage.

The Gallery sells half hour virtual tours, each hosted by an expert curator. Pay £1.50 to view, or choose 10 tours for £10.

WebinArts is an online crafts education portal with multiple options of classes, lengths, prices and platforms (many delivered via Zoom).


Get in touch to hear more, and discuss how CogPlayer can work with your organisation.

We can set you up with a test account so you can have a play and see how it works.


Need support?

Try our troubleshooting guide. It’s a regularly updated PDF where we collate advice and top-tips from clients who are using CogPlayer.

Or drop us a line and we’ll do our best to help as quickly as we can (within working hours): [email protected]. 

We don’t usually provide out of hours support. If you might need support for an event let’s chat in advance so we have time to allocate resources and budget.